
Flow Shart

General Flow shart..

And here, you may see how they are produced:

Thanks to all the company's, that make it possible to create cabrios q 27..
That is what I need for 6000 cabrios q 27:
6.000 Car bodies,
3.216.000 Chem.,
24.360.000 Coal,
270.000 Cotton,
36.000 E-comp,
6.000 Engines,
60.000 Glass,
9.744.000 Iron,
2.436.000 Minerals,
366.000 oil,
720.000 Plastic,
60.000 Quartz,
240.000 Rubber,
270.000 Seeds,
6.000 Silicon,
4.872.000 Steel,
90.000 Textiles,
24.000 Tires

Detail Flow shart..

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